What will I play in Battle for Azeroth?

The time has come to make a decision! I will be starting out maining…


I’ll still be playing my brewmaster and protection warrior, but someone needs to get leveled first and be the priority, and that’s going to be my demon hunter.

So how’d I make this decision? Well, I wrote earlier about how I needed to try a new main. I love my brewmaster, but besides briefly pushing her aside for early Legion, she’s been my main since 2012. If I want to keep playing this game with my friends (and I do), I needed to try something new.

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Initial Battle for Azeroth Warrior and Demon Hunter Impressions

These are my rough notes. I haven’t had a whole lot of time for the beta, just a few hours spread across weekends (planning a wedding is a real time suck). I don’t really feel like spending much time polishing them up into formal responses (I’d rather spend that time on the BfA guides), but I’d like to put them somewhere at least in this preliminary form. Continue reading “Initial Battle for Azeroth Warrior and Demon Hunter Impressions”

Playing around with a new header

With Legion coming to a close, I figured I needed something less demonic as my blog header, so here’s a pretty Niuzao.

If anyone has met me in person (or seen selfies), you recognize him as a colorized version of my tattoo! The artist is Melanie Steinway, and I did the color (which I will probably iterate on).

One epic ox for Tori today ??

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Battle for Azeroth Main Musings

I’ve been thinking more and more than I’m going to need a change come BfA. Not that I don’t love my brewmaster, but more that I’ve been doing the same thing for six years and I need some freshness. I feel more like I’ve hit a wall in improvement on my monk, where technically I can improve, but I’m stuck in my ways and need to try something else so that later I can see it in a fresh light.
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Mythic Details Added for Antorus

I finally got around to updating almost all the bosses (I haven’t seen mythic Argus yet) with details for mythic! This has been a rough winter and busy spring for me, so I’m sorry it took so long! Hope it’s still helpful. :)

Antorus Tanking Guide

Also, we’ve covered a lot of stuff on the podcast too. Here are some of the latest episodes that might be informative!

A Sunnier Void Elf

Ugh, athletics classes. Sunnier had tried all the specialties. As the child of two famous adventurers, she was supposed to be good at swordsmanship (like her holy-light-loving father) or daggers (like her slightly-more-scoundrelly mom), but neither seemed to click. Even the study of the magical arts failed to draw her attention.
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Microblog: Unrealistic Battle for Azeroth Race Plans

With all the new allied races, I’m already imagining what all my alts should be in Battle for Azeroth. It’s all unrealistic for a number of reasons. It costs a lot of money to change races. I don’t think I could actually maintain more than one character Horde-side. I’m going to need to level up new characters to get the heritage transmogs I want. This expansion is likely a year away. Etc etc. At least I can dream. Continue reading “Microblog: Unrealistic Battle for Azeroth Race Plans”

Why Lightforged Draenei Should Be Able to Play Monks

This is ridiculous.

I just want to start with that statement, since arguing for what classes should be available to what races has always been a pointless endeavour in World of Warcraft. If I was a wise person, I’d let it rest and give in to the inevitability of playing what feels like my perfect race as a different class (I mean Sunnier and a race of hooved, big-horned, tattooed light people?!).

But I spent all of Blizzcon obnoxiously telling everyone who would listen about why I thought lightforged should be playable as monks, so I’m going to finish out with this little blog post and leave it at that. Worst comes to worst, I’ll continue as my vanilla-Draenei monk, or play a warrior as one of my mains in Battle for Azeroth, or convince my guild to become traitors to the Alliance so that I can live as the other love of my life — the hooved, antlered, tattooed/painted race of Highmountain Tauren.

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