I’m always iterating on these, but this is the set up I have as of the pre-patch 8.0.1 (July 20, 2018). There still might be a few changes that aren’t present.
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Brm Rotational CDs
What I look out to figure out what to do next. This dynamic group shows abilities with a short cooldown.
Brm Brew Pills
What I look out when big damage is happening. This dynamic group shows the available brews, including Black Ox Brew.
Expel Harm Available
This extremely simple and self-explanatory aura should probably be combined with the Brew aura, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Brm Defense Buffs
What I look at to see how safe I am. This dynamic group shows all defense buffs/debuffs I need to know about to make good decisions, including Ironskin Brew and Fortifying Brew. It also has a big annoying rune when I have no Ironskin Brew up at all.
Brm Defense CDs
What I look at to see what big defenses I have available, such as the availability of Fortifying Brew and Zen Meditation. I’ll probably combine this with the brew pills aura in the future.
Tank Item CDs
What I look at to see what items I have to help. This simple group has a random miscellany of trinkets, health stones, etc, that is used between all my tanks. It’s mostly a helpful place to start when I get new trinkets, and I can simply duplicate and change the name of item to make a new aura.