Transmog: Big Blue, Torch Dancer, Brewfest, Reaper

[wowheadrename] I haven’t done a transmog post in a while, and boy do I have a backlog to show off.

Big Blue

I love these lollipop maces but it’s hard to find a set that lets them shine without overwhelming everything.

Torch Dancer

This fiery mog will bring some warmth to your otherwise green and fel experience in Hellfire Citadel.


This is very similar to the Torch Dancer, but with all the brew-themed items I could find (mostly challenge mode pieces plus actual Brewfest loot).


Okay, this is just the rogue heroic Tier 18. But it makes a great Halloween costume! Add in some creepy blades, an unholy enchant, and a demon horse, and you’ve got a set worthy of fear.