We did something extra special for our 100th episode — a live show! Arielle and I streamed on Twitch with webcams and everything.
The stream is up on Twitch if you want to watch. We will also be uploading the mp3 to the normal places.
Mastering tanks, one boss at a time.
We did something extra special for our 100th episode — a live show! Arielle and I streamed on Twitch with webcams and everything.
The stream is up on Twitch if you want to watch. We will also be uploading the mp3 to the normal places.
The tanking guide is up for normal and heroic Nighthold. As always, I’ll be updating over the next few weeks as I learn these fights, simplifying where I can, correcting what I got wrong, and filling in the “notes” tabs with talent builds and class-specific tips.
Strategies for normal and heroic Trial of Valor are all there. As always, I’ll be updating over the next few weeks as I learn these fights.
Vengeance and Brewmasters are two vastly different tanking specializations. Everything from their active mitigation to their fantasy are at odds, but despite that, many brewmasters are thinking of trying the new cool thing, so here is how they compare.
(This is not a guide that’s going to tell you what class is objectively best. That changes with balance tuning, and I’ve always encouraged people to play what they want. You’ll do the best playing the class that you’re motivated to master. This guide is just to help you figure out what that class might be.)