Mastering tanks, one boss at a time.
The News
Taking a Break
Hi everyone! Sorry for the silence, but I’m on a break from tanking and mythic raiding right now. The short version is that real life has gotten pretty busy lately (in a good way, mostly). You can the longish version in this twitter thread: I haven’t quit WoW, I’ve just been playing casually as an …
Brewmaster and Vengeance Weak Auras updated for 8.0.1
I’ve updated my pages to reflect what WeakAuras I have working for Vengeance and Brewmaster. Vengeance is a little bit further along, since I’ve been bringing that to our latest raids, and I plan on doing a little refactoring of the Brewmaster ones in the near future. But I figured people would like to see …
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Initial Battle for Azeroth Warrior and Demon Hunter Impressions
These are my rough notes. I haven’t had a whole lot of time for the beta, just a few hours spread across weekends (planning a wedding is a real time suck). I don’t really feel like spending much time polishing them up into formal responses (I’d rather spend that time on the BfA guides), but …
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Mythic Details Added for Antorus
I finally got around to updating almost all the bosses (I haven’t seen mythic Argus yet) with details for mythic! This has been a rough winter and busy spring for me, so I’m sorry it took so long! Hope it’s still helpful. :) Antorus Tanking Guide Also, we’ve covered a lot of stuff on the …
Quick and Dirty Tomb of Sargeras Tanking Guide is Here!
It’s still in rough draft state since some bosses don’t have a lot of information out there, but at least every one has a basic guide! Tomb of Sargeras Tanking Guide
7.2.5. Brewmaster and Vengeance Survival Guides
7.2.5 is coming on Tuesday, and both classes I main are getting some big changes!
Mage Tower Tank Challenge | Kruul | The Highlord’s Return – Brewmaster Monk
The second class around took a lot less time, but was still pretty difficult! Where the DH challenge tested my timings and burst damage management, the monk challenge tested my situational awareness and self healing. Some things, like movement and ranged damage, were much easier on the monk. Some things, like healing and dealing with knockbacks, were …
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Mage Tower Tank Challenge | Kruul | The Highlord’s Return – Vengeance DH
After a truly embarrassing number of wipes (let’s just say it rivals the number of attempts I put into endgame bosses back when I was a competitive raider), I finally got this down. I’m not a particularly skilled player, but I am diligent. As long as you’re one of those things, you can do it too! …
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The Blogs
Taking a Break
Hi everyone! Sorry for the silence, but I’m on a break from tanking and mythic raiding right now. The short version is that real life has gotten pretty busy lately (in a good way, mostly). You can the longish version in this twitter thread: I haven’t quit WoW, I’ve just been playing casually as an …
Eternal Palace Guide Will Be Delayed
I’ll be on vacation in France and Spain when the raid comes out, very far from my computer and very busy, so unfortunately this tier’s tanking guide will likely be simple and late. In the meantime, check out Wowhead’s guides:
Raid Guide Updates
Battle of Dazaralor now has information about mythic encounters for everyone except Jaina! (coming once my guild starts on her). Crucible of Storms normal and heroic has been cleaned up (I got some colors wrong) (and no one uses the trident).
Crucible of Storms Tanking Guide is Up!
Very last minute, but it’s been a very busy spring for me. ?????
Battle of Dazar’alor Tanking Guide is up!
As usual, I’ll be updating over the next few weeks (and months for mythic) as I experience these fights myself.
Tankcast Episode 100
We did something extra special for our 100th episode — a live show! Arielle and I streamed on Twitch with webcams and everything. The stream is up on Twitch if you want to watch. We will also be uploading the mp3 to the normal places. Watch Tankcast Episode 100! from SunnierBear on
Uldir Tanking Guide is Here!
All normal and heroic bosses have been updated with my experiences from live. All mythic bosses have notes on them now, and I’ll clean those notes up as I experience those bosses on live.
Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Guides are ready!
They’ve been ready for a while now, but perhaps we could all use a little reminder now that the expansion is here. Battle for Azeroth Dungeons I tried a few new things for these, like adding tank-relevant details for trash, even where to skip some (at least in heroic and mythic, skipping is pointless in …
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What will I play in Battle for Azeroth?
The time has come to make a decision! I will be starting out maining… Vengeance! I’ll still be playing my brewmaster and protection warrior, but someone needs to get leveled first and be the priority, and that’s going to be my demon hunter. So how’d I make this decision? Well, I wrote earlier about how …
Playing around with a new header
With Legion coming to a close, I figured I needed something less demonic as my blog header, so here’s a pretty Niuzao. If anyone has met me in person (or seen selfies), you recognize him as a colorized version of my tattoo! The artist is Melanie Steinway, and I did the color (which I will …