Episode 28 of TankCast covered how to evaluate your own performance, starting at 27:15. Here is generally what we talked about:
Brewmaster Roundtable
As promised, here’s the footage of Tuesday’s Monk Meditation. I think it went incredibly well, and I loved hearing opinions from people with completely different areas of expertise. I hope we can do another one in the future.
Audio Podcast for just listening
Twisted Nether Blogcast Interview is Up
Here it is, my interview. For the next hour or so, you can listen to me chuckle nervously, lose my train of thought, and try to avoid swear words. I ramble a bit about this blog, too. It was a fun interview.
Listen Here
More thoughts:
- I’ve seen one episode of “It’s Always Sunnier in Philadelphia” out of obligation to my name, but everything was out of context so I didn’t understand much.
- My anxiety-purifying brew of choice was some cherry wheat beer. As a pandaren brewmaster, dumb jokes and alcohol are always acceptable.
- A few years ago when I was in my podcast-maniac time of life (lots of bus commuting), I always wanted to be a guest on a podcast and thought it’d be terrifying. Now I’ve been on three and it’s like “dude, what’s the big deal, it’s just saying the stuff I talk about all the time except now it’s getting recorded.”
- My mom, dad, and brother listened to this one. They were pretty excited because I told them this one would be a little more understandable for non-WoW players than my previous interviews. My mom fell asleep halfway through because it was past her bedtime. I forgive her.
Rawrcast Interview
The amazing and hilarious Rawrcast podcast interviewed me and it was very exciting! This happened more than two weeks ago, but I was away in China and I’m pretty sure I was on an airplane when this was published.
Hafrot interviewed me because brewmasters are the new best thing and it was very enlightening. All the questions are fantastic and we spend a lot of time going over my post “Some Quick Brewmaster Tanking Tips“.
My interview starts about 44 minutes in and lasts another 45 minutes, though you can always listen to the whole podcast if you want. Sadly, the guild information is already out of date, but that can’t be helped. (Still looking, by the way! Doing research on all the great guilds who’ve expressed interest so far.)
Team Wafflecast: Bear Roundtable
I was on the latest Team Wafflecast with several talented bear druids. We answer bear-related questions about the current state of the spec, speculate about bears in Mists of Pandaria, and other things.
I pretty much just sit in a corner and answer questions when Arielle makes me, because I’m very shy. D: There were three hardcore 25man tanks so I felt a little lonely, but I learned that 25 man requires many more tanks than 10 man. Three tanks on heroic Spine?! And other things!
Anyways, enjoy!