Trinkets for tanks are no black-and-white matter. There are trinkets that are good for burst reduction and time-to-live, while others are good for avoidance, total damage reduction, and DPS. Trinkets are the best way to change your stats for what you need at a moments notice, and because of that, there is no true best-in-slot pair. Ideally, you should collect a handful of trinkets with various specialties and swap them in depending on fight requirements.
These trinkets will be categorized and ranked according to what their role is: Survival, Hybrid, and Avoidance/DPS. I’m including some tier 14 trinkets in this list because a couple of them are still quite good. And if you’re unlucky (like me) you’ll be stuck with them for a while so you might as well get used to it.
Survival Trinkets
These are trinkets that purely focus on increasing time-to-live. They usually provide a mixture of stamina and mastery. You should seek them out if you’re running up against heroic content or if you’re getting burst down before healers can top you off.
Soul Barrier Base: 2201 Stamina On-Use: Absorb Shield Source: Throne of Thunder – Lei Shen This is the best survival trinket in this tier, and you should seek it out if you’re running against hard content. If you want to macro it, it should mesh nicely with Guard. |
Lao-Chin’s Liquid Courage & Jade Warlord Figurine |
Fortitude of the Zandalari |
Best-In-Slot Survival Trinkets
If you only care about reducing burst and increasing time-to-live, you want Soul Barrier and either Lao-Chin’s Liquid Courage or Jade Warlord Figurine. Fortitude of the Zandalari is still a good trinket, but I find the mastery on-use of the tier 14 trinkets more useful than the health on-use.
Hybrid Trinkets
What I call “hybrid” trinkets are items that provide a mixture of both survival and avoidance/dps. They usually have agility, dodge, mastery, or some other secondary stat that can be reforged. Use these types of trinkets if you don’t have better survival trinkets or you want to both increase your DPS and survival at the same time.
Rune of Re-Origination Base: 1467 Agility Source: Throne of Thunder – Lei Shen Proc: Re-Origination (Haste), Re-Origination (Crit), Re-Origination (Mastery) Rune of Re-Origination is a tricky item. If you prioritize crit or haste, it can actually hurt you if it procs during a burst event because it decreases your mastery significantly. On the other hand, if you prioritize mastery then you can reach very high stagger numbers during the proc, which can be quite useful if you’re lucky. The base agility makes it less than ideal for increasing time to live, but for a hybrid trinket the proc can make up for that. My advice is to pick it up for mastery builds. It can also be great for your personal dps if you prioritize crit, though you must keep in mind that it will hurt your survival when used that way. |
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Bad Juju |
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Steadfast Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault |
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Ji-Kun’s Rising Winds |
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Bottle of Infinite Stars, Stuff of Nightmares, Vial of Dragons Blood |
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Delicate Vial of the Sanguinaire |
Best-In-Slot Hybrid Trinkets
If you can’t decide between pure survival and pure avoidance/dps and you are currently prioritizing mastery, Rune of Re-Origination and Bad Juju are the best. If you don’t mind not being able to swap it out, Ji-Kun’s Rising Winds has a strong proc that can help with low health events.
Avoidance/DPS Trinkets
These trinkets are typically traditional dps trinkets. They usually have agility, crit, haste, or dodge. Use these trinkets if you don’t have to worry about dying or if you want to top the meters.
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Rune of Re-Origination Base: 1467 Agility Source: Throne of Thunder – Lei Shen Proc: Re-Origination (Haste), Re-Origination (Crit), Re-Origination (Mastery) Yes, this trinket again. Like I mentioned earlier, if you prioritize crit, this trinket is good for dps and avoidance through Elusive Brew. Just keep in mind that it will reduce your mastery and haste, which in turn could risk your survival. I would not advise using this trinket if you prioritize haste because it can easily take you beyond your comfort zone of energy gain. |
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Talisman of Bloodlust |
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Renataki’s Soul Charm |
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Vicious Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault |
Best-In-Slot DPS/Avoidance
Rune of Re-Origination if you prioritize crit, and Talisman of Bloodlust.
Best Overall Trinkets
Due to the spread of trinkets, you’ll likely want to mix and match. Here are the different situations I can think of, and the best trinkets for those situations.
Pure Survival, High Health Requirements(e.g. Horridon, Tortos):
Soul Barrier + Jade Warlord Figurine or Lao-Chin’s Liquid Courage
Survival, Moderate Health Requirements (most progression fights):
Soul Barrier + Rune of Re-Origination (mastery) or Bad Juju
Survival, Low Health Requirements(e.g. Durumu):
Rune of Re-Origination (mastery) + Bad Juju
Moderate/High DPS requirements + lots of non-spiky damage (e.g. normal Lei Shen):
Talisman of Bloodlust + Rune of Re-Origination (mastery or crit)
Mostly Magic Damage (e.g. Megeara):
Soul Barrier + Jade Warlord Figurine or Lao-Chin’s Liquid Courage