There seems to be a lot of confusion over the value of expertise, so I’m going to lay out the facts and then finish up my thoughts on that ever-prevalent question:
“should I hard cap expertise?”
A Sunnier Musing: Healing Elixirs
Sometimes I get these trains of thought about brewmastery stuff. They have no real conclusions, so I avoided turning them into blog posts, but maybe if I get them out of my head they could turn into something.
Heroic Blade Lord Ta’yak 10 Tanking Guide
Not to be confused with Wind Lord Mel’jarak, even though Blade Lord Ta’yak has three abilities and a whole phase related to wind. This fight requires good positioning and timer-watching for the damage dealers and healers, and tests a tank’s ability to use active mitigation at predictable intervals.
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Heroic Gara’jal the Spiritbinder 10 Tanking Guide
This fight isn’t all that different from normal mode. The mechanics are mostly the same, you just have to handle more damage. Most of your wipes will likely be the result of your damage dealers failing to clear out the shadow adds near the end or due to the enrage timer.
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Brewmaster Patch 5.1 Survival Guide
Between all the new progression and patch 5.1 (live today), it appears Blizzard’s purpose in life is to prevent me from writing timely boss guides.
Things I Found in China that Reminded Me of Pandaria
I went to China recently and couldn’t help but wonder where the Mists of Pandaria artists found their inspiration. I only got to see a relatively small part of the country, but some of it seemed pretty familiar already.
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Rawrcast Interview
The amazing and hilarious Rawrcast podcast interviewed me and it was very exciting! This happened more than two weeks ago, but I was away in China and I’m pretty sure I was on an airplane when this was published.
Hafrot interviewed me because brewmasters are the new best thing and it was very enlightening. All the questions are fantastic and we spend a lot of time going over my post “Some Quick Brewmaster Tanking Tips“.
My interview starts about 44 minutes in and lasts another 45 minutes, though you can always listen to the whole podcast if you want. Sadly, the guild information is already out of date, but that can’t be helped. (Still looking, by the way! Doing research on all the great guilds who’ve expressed interest so far.)
Latest 5.1 Brewmaster News
Here are the upcoming changes that may happen in the next major patch, 5.1. These are subject to change. There’s also a chance some of these are errors in datamining, but I hope not because I think most of them are good.
Heroic Feng the Accursed 10 Tanking Guide
Here is the next narrated guide for Heroic Mogu’shan Vaults: Feng the Accursed! I’ve written out most of the stuff I mention in the video, but I elaborated more on some things.
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Heroic Stone Guard 10 Tanking Guide
Here it is, my first complete heroic tanking guide in eight months. I have some brewmaster-specific advice, but most of it is about taunting strategy. Also, for the first time since Ragnaros, this is a narrated tanking guide.