I get this question pretty often. It’s true that for survival alone, dodge is the best reforging option for bears. But sometimes, you need to do more than survive.
What I Miss About the Horde (and what I’m glad to be without)
I spent my first four years in this game as a tauren. Then the world was shattered and I turned to the blue side. While I’m happy to remain with the Alliance for now, there are some things I miss about the Horde.
What I miss about the Horde
Hawkstriders. I love the way they bobble and caw. Luckily, I got the Swift White Hawkstrider on my Alliance character, and that helps ease the sadness from lack of chocobos.
Continue reading “What I Miss About the Horde (and what I’m glad to be without)”
My Thoughts on Druid Tier 13 Bonuses
So far my procrastination has served me well. Instead of posting my thoughts on Tier 13 bonuses immediately after they were released, now I can have a post dedicated to the updated Tier 13 bonuses.
Bear Feedback
I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but for some reason it has taken forever. Honestly, I think bears are in a pretty good place right now. There’s room for improvement, but with the massive tank changes that were supposed to come in 4.3 (why do you make me sad, Blizz!), it didn’t seem necessary. I never even posted in the official thread! But they are interesting questions with interesting answers.
What type of content/type do you focus on?
Hardmode 10s PvE
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues?
I don’t like that Demoralizing Roar and Faerie Fire (Feral) are on the spell hit table. It’s unreasonable for bears to attain the 17% hit required to guarantee those spells will hit. This is a relic of vanilla WoW that has stayed far longer than necessary.
More on Active Mitigation
I wrote about interactive tanking a few months ago, but now that it’s becoming a reality, I feel like I should revisit some of those ideas.
First of all, what can we glean from Ghostcrawler’s recent blog posts about the changes? They haven’t said anything specific for bears, but they’ve dropped some hints.
We define [active mitigation] as hitting buttons regularly that have a meaningful impact on your future mitigation.
As an aside, the Feral druid’s mitigation is arguably the most passive right now, and we’d want to change things like Savage Defense to be active buttons under this model.
From these two comments, I expect they plan on making Savage Defense into Blood Shield. They don’t seem to be a huge fan of Death Strike’s heal, so they probably won’t include that in the feral model. My guess is that instead of proccing a small bubble on critical hits, we’ll proc a large bubble on a specific attack. We don’t know much more than that.
Recruitment Posts
I have this thing for looking at recruitment posts, and this was especially relevant when I was looking for new guilds a few weeks ago. After a while you start to notice patterns and develop pet peeves. If you are in charge of the recruitment post for your guild, here are somethings you should or should not do (according to me).
Threat Level Midnight
I want to point out that after a tiny bit of googling, I found that “Threat Level Midnight” is an episode of The Office (US version).
Blizzard, specifically Ghostcrawler, decided to talk about threat and tanking abilities. In a dramatic departure from previous Dev Watercoolers, they actually mentioned changes that will be coming instead of things they might think about later.
What Does It Mean to Be in a End-Game Raiding Guild?
Being in an end-game raiding guild means knowing your class and role inside and out. Your rotation is second nature, you fully understand the mechanics, and you know how to apply your class’s individual skill set to each unique encounter. You know the pattern to follow and, most importantly, you know when to break that pattern.
Being in an end-game raiding guild means being familiar the other nine classes. You know their strengths, so that you can use them in the best place, and you know their weaknesses, so that you can help compensate for them.
Continue reading “What Does It Mean to Be in a End-Game Raiding Guild?”
My User Interface: Auras
This is the first in a series on my UI. At a later time I’ll talk
about my combat addons, unit frames, keybindings, and more at a later
time. Today I am focusing on auras.
Upon reading Zwingli’s post on Nelflings, I began to wonder: what would worgen babies be like? Worgen are humans who have been cursed to a wolf-like form, so obviously the offspring of a worgen would start out human. Would they be inflicted with the worgen curse, too?