Bears Still Need More Flavor

Don’t freak out. It’s still beta; it’s all a work in progress. Bears in Mists of Pandaria are still like bears in Cataclysm but with the cat half of their toolkit cut out and nothing filled in to replace all that flavor. It’s up to us to keep things from staying the way they are. With the power of <announcer voice> CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!

To start out, look at the difference between my beta monk’s action bars and my beta druid’s.

Continue reading “Bears Still Need More Flavor”

Current State of Brewmasters

I was planning on getting more testing in before posting this, but the beta was pretty much MIA yesterday. I did do a dungeon run the day before, but I’m still far from good at this class. Brewmasters play much more chaotically then before, but with a few changes they will be playable.

Monks went through a lot of changes since my last post. Guard is on a much longer cooldown (30 sec), Shuffle has no cooldown, and Purifying Brew has a much shorter cooldown (6 sec). Brewmasters got a couple of cool new abilities: Keg Smash, Clashing Ox Charge, and the talent Dampen Harm. Dizzying Haze generates a large amount of threat and monks finally have increased health while in their tanking stance (still no increased armor).

Continue reading “Current State of Brewmasters”

New Website

It’s finally here! The new website I’ve been working on for weeks.

I wanted to move to my own hosting service so that I can learn more about how that stuff works, and so I can have much tighter control over how everything looks. I also wanted to change the domain name so that I wouldn’t feel wrong talking about non-bear stuff on a bear blog.

The name of my new blog is a pun off of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, which is an ancient Chinese treatise on military strategy. The whole thing is super applicable to many things, not just warfare. You can pretty easily apply it to video games, especially in PvP. Also, since many of my posts are guides on how to defeat big bad guys, you could say I’m writing my own Art of War about boss encounters (though much less timeless). Finally, if I end up rerolling monk then it fits with their Asian-inspired theme.

You may be able to tell it’s not your conventional WoW blog done with WordPress. It’s a blogging framework called Octopress. Very fast, generated HTML 5. No databases, no easily hackable WordPress. They say it’s for hackers, but you don’t need to know that much about programming (you just need Ruby installed and some basic CSS skills). If you want to see something cool you should go to the site and resize your browser — stuff moves around and readjusts! (Okay that’s just exciting to programmers I think, but I love it.)

I’ve transfered all of my old posts over, and I won’t be posting at any more. I can’t transfer comments, which bums me out, but I still use the same commenting system.

If you follow me through an RSS feed, you shouldn’t need to update anything. If you have me bookmarked, you should probably update that.

Comparing Brewmasters and Guardians

(With very little information to go on.)

In an attempt to better understand Brewmaster monks, I’ve compared them to Guardian druids. I tried comparing similar abilities side-by-side, but many skills do not have a direct correlation between classes. A couple skills fit into more than one category, so they’re on this list more than once. I probably also missed some skills, so if you find any mistakes, please let me know.

Bears will still be the only offensive tank. That is, Guardians benefit from haste and crit, and will probably have more reasons to cap hit and expertise than other tanks. These stats will increase our rage generation, which leads to more frequent Savage Defenses and Frenzied Regenerations. Brewmaster monks, on the other hand, don’t appear to benefit from these offensive stats. I think they will love dodge, since each dodge gives them a huge amount of Chi (their primary resource). Parry will make their rotation a bit more dynamic and probably increase their damage.

Continue reading “Comparing Brewmasters and Guardians”

I Hate Hit

And expertise too. It’s no secret that I’m way beyond the expertise soft cap (as are many leather wearers this tier). But beyond this relatively new development, I just don’t like stats with definitive caps. I’d probably feel the same way about mastery if I was a shield tank. Stats that just stop working after a while are no fun.

Continue reading “I Hate Hit”